Harun Kemali
Harun Kemali, a passionate designer and naval architect was born in Izmir, Turkey in 1991. In the Agean and Mediterranean culture he has always been intimate with sea and sailing in young ages.
In 2014 he graduated in Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering from Istanbul Techincal University and now working on different projects ranging from 16m to 120m. He pursues his passions for design, engineering and yachts in education and professional life continiously. As a many national and international award winnig designer he belives that confronting new challanges is key for continious success and enthusiasm. In every new exiting project, he will always execute innovative approach to a new genuie design while respecting the history of yachting and criterias of engineering.

2017 - Finalist, Showboats Young Designer of the Year Award
2015 - Finalist, Showboats Young Designer of the Year Award
2014 - Winner, National Yacht Design Awards
2014 - Special Mention, Millenium Yacht Design Award, Carrarafiere/Italy
2012 - Winner, Solarsplash International Solar Boat Regatta, Iowa/USA